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Frequently asked Questions about WOLF


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port (7000)


/me "has questions but don't wanna sound like a n00b"

Heh heh, heard that before? Well you wont have to look no further. Most questions that have been asked about WOLF are all here! (personal experience)

Q. How do I freaken put colors on my name? A. Look intimidating and cool by simply following these instructions!
No downloads necessary! I find this easier the most.
1. Write you name on a notepad.
2. Plug in the respective number before the letter that you want to color. Use the chart below to guide you.
*NOTE: plugging ^8 only, won't color it black you have to do the ^ twice. Ex. ^8^Black Knight = ^Black Knight (no matter what you will have this ^)
3Highlight your work then copy (CTRL + C).
4Start Wolfenstein SP or MP doesn't matter.
5. Pull your wolf console down by hitting the tilda key which looks like this ~ <---usually on the upper left of your keyboard under the ESC button (US keyboards). Grave Accent key on UK keyboards that looks like this---> ¬
6 In your console type /set name then paste (CTRL + V).

Your done!

*NOTE: It is very important to know your copy and paste keys for it will be an essential tool for this clan and other things you do with your computer. Ex. Copy and pasting IP addresses on your console.
Problems? Email


Q. Someone gave me an IP to join, how do I use this? A. Simply copy the Internet Protocol (IP) address then enter this to you wolf console.-->/connect "then the IP here"
*NOTE: Do not include quotation marks.
Problems? Email


Q. Where the heck do I enter the password? A. There are 2 ways that you can do. 
1. You can find the password tab at the bottom left of the server selection screen.

2. Pull your wolf console down then type: /set password "password goes here"

*NOTE: Do not include quotation marks.
Problems? Email


Q. I get an "INVALID CD_KEY" what does this mean? I have the full version! A. I have no idea why it does this maybe your key is in use by another somehow (not assuming) or a bug perhaps. To correct this you must restart Wolfenstein then enter your cd key then try again.
Problems? Email


Q. I got disconnected from a server. Error message "invalid PK3 files referenced." How can I fix this? A. I hate it when this happens. If you know you have installed Wolfenstein properly and not done any thing that might corrupt your files then all you have to do is reconnect to the server again. Sometimes you load into the server when its switching to a new map. This happens ;-p
Problems? Email


Q. I was talking S#!t to other players on the server and I got suddenly disconnected. What did I do wrong? I was only exercising freedom of speech. A. Jawol! You can get kicked for that. That's not proper behavior. Others want to play and have fun. They don't want to hear complaining and cursing. *Suggestion: When you go back to that server apologize, They will gladly accept it and respect you for having the balls to say it.
Problem? Email

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There will be more Questions and Answers soon! They never stop coming anyway {|:-p
Please feel free to email me any questions about wolf or any problems that you might have. I'm clan leader that's my job besides leading you to mass murdering of other clans.