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Link of the week! 

[Click here]


Member sites:

Black Knight's wolf fan site!

[Have a site that you wanna put here just ask =]


port (7000)


About CrossBones


What is CrossBones?


-Cross-Bones, (kros 'bônz) n. pl. A symbol of death; two human thigh-bones places crosswise, generally in conjunction with a skull.
-Return to Castle Wolfenstein clan
-Savage warriors that play together as a team
Where did CB get its colors?


C=cyan and B=blue the bracket colors are optional, doesn't really matter what color that is, simple? (we also have a thing with black background)

Who created CrossBones?

Founded by: SNIPES on 2.28.2002

Why was the clan created? -Tired of playing with n00bs.
-Tired of free for all.
-Wanted more challenge.
-Got bored.
-Wanted to create a savage, brutal, and respectable team.
Where did the clan originate? New York, USA
What is CB all about when it comes to playing?
-Damn it, we r0ck!
-We really have fun
-We turn dangerous
-We get serious at times
-Like second nature
What are your future plans? -Take over the world!

I guess your clan wants to have a scrimmage with us now huh?

Email us your info[ ]and our war arranger will get back to you =)